Think Parent-Teacher Conferences are only for traditional school? No way! It’s true that they might look a little different for homeschoolers, since the Parent and the Teacher are the same person. But having a conference with your student each semester can be a...
Roll Call Remember the old days when a teacher stood at the front of the room behind her large wooden desk and began each day with a roll call? We waited patiently for our name to be called so we could shout out “here!” Today, I imagine it is a very... Arguably my favorite form in the Homeschool Teacher Edition planner is the Long Term Family Plan. I should let you know up front that friends have teased me for years about having a “12-year plan” for homeschooling. So, to make my life easier, I lobbied... My son is going into the 8th grade this year. MUCH too early to be thinking about homeschool graduation and college, right? Well, maybe not. I have no idea what career path he’ll take – right now, his ideas range from Lego designer to author to army... It’s that time of the year. Late summer. The time when our version of “teacher in-service days” begin and we start our homeschool planning for next year. I love it! Now is the best time to have in your hands a customized homeschool planner for each...